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lAlB lClD lElF lGlH lIlJ lKlL lMlN lOlP lQlR lSlT lUlV lWlX lYlZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
s AISECT +square & lines 16
s SAKARIA +lines & square 16
s SANYO cera tiles +lines 19
s SECT +square & lines 9
sacha thai acha LIFE +lines 42
safe +square & lines 37
samosa JUNCTION +oval lines 43
sector circles & lines 9, 41, 42
lines 3
sleep on +lines 23
slim size KIM +lines 34
soda station +sectors lines 11
spirals & lines 37
square lines & arrows 9, 42
square lines & circles 35
square & lines 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18, 25, 30, 35, 36, 37, 39, 42
square arc & lines 39
square arcs & lines 9
square arrow & lines 6, 7, 8
squares lines & cloud 35, 42
squares & lines 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45
sss SI property +lines 16
star lines & arc 6
star lines & arcs 20
star lines & heart 9, 16, 45
star & lines 9, 16, 24, 35, 41
stars lines & heart 41
stars & lines 11, 28
sun & lines 41
lines 43
super IPS +lines 9
super steel KAMDHENU +lines 6
swadeshi +lines 9
swiss RE +lines 16
t +lines 9
three lines 1
tower square & lines 9
tractor +lines 4
treatment-x +lines 3
trees & lines 29, 30
triangle & lines 1, 6, 7, 9, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 25, 36, 37, 38, 42
triangles & lines 7, 9, 35, 38, 42
triangles circle & lines 9
trinity academy +lines 41
tripti +wheel & lines 30
truck +lines 4
tuff NUT +lines 25
unifix +lines 1
unique FANCY SAREES +lines 35
unique FANCY sarees +lines 25
usl +lines 9
w WALTER +lines 7
walson LOVMIX +oval & lines 32
zigzag lines 9
lingam 6
AKSHA lingeni 25
A-SHEEN lingerie +woman 25
AAINA lingerie 25
AISHA INTIMATE lingerie 25
ALIES lingerie 25
ANJNA'S FAIR GLOW lingerie 25
AROSA lingerie +flower woma 25
AVANI the lingerie shop 35
B BODY FEEL lingerie 25
BEBO SNS lingerie +butterfl 25
BOBS lingerie +woman 35
BODY LIFE LINE lingerie 25
BOUX lingerie 3, 25, 35
CHIC lingerie +circles 25
COMFICIOUS lingerie +woman 25
CRASCO lingerie +woman 25
DONNA PLUS lingerie 25
EB SHAR luxury lingerie 25
FAIR LADY lingerie +flower 25
FEEL-IN STATUS lingerie 25
FELINE lingerie +squares 25
FERINA lingerie 25
FIANCEE lingerie +woman 25
FLYVIA lingerie & night wea 25
HOTTY lingerie +butterfly 25
IN CARE lingerie +plant 25
IN SHAPE lingerie +flowers 25
INNERLINE lingerie studio 25
J JASMI NO.1 lingerie +tick 25
JASMI lingerie +woman circl 25
K-NITE lingerie 25
KAMISON lingerie +lines 25
lingerie 42
KHUBY lingerie 25
KLOVE lingerie +cross 25
L-N-L lingerie guide 25
LADY HOOD FLAUNT lingerie 25
LADY LOVE lingerie +heart 25
LADY TOUCH lingerie 25
LAMBOS lingerie +butterfly 25
LITTLE LADY lingerie 25
LOVE BIRD lingerie +heart 25
LOVWIN lingerie +heart 25
LUCKYIN-7 lingerie +stars 25
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